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DIY Casino Hire
 | Price: £74.00 Weight: 15.1kg Stock: 100000+
| HPK001
|  | Price: £25.00 Weight: 4kg Stock: 10000+
| HPK002
|  | Price: £25.00 Weight: 3.2kg Stock: 10000+
| HPK005
|  | Price: £25.00 Weight: 4kg Stock: 10000+
| HPK006
|  | Price: £35.00 Weight: 3.4kg Stock: 10000+
| HPK007
|  | Price: £20.00 Weight: 1g Stock: 1000000+
| HPK020
|  | Price: £10.00 Weight: 1g Stock: 1000000+
| HPK021
|  | Price: £25.00 Weight: 1g Stock: 1000000+
| HPK023
| How To Run Your Own Fundraising Casino
The basic principle is that guests buy vouchers, they exchange these vouchers at each gambling table for chips to bet with. At the end of the night the person with the most valuable chips wins a prize. Your charity or social club nets all the receipts, pays it's expenses and hopefully retains a profit and creates a new regular social event for everyone’s calendar.
Selling Fundraising Casino Attendance Tickets
You should probably include a quantity of fun money upon arrival but do not be specific about value of casino chips included. Depending on the price of entry or type of event guests will invariably run out of fun money and most will be expecting to buy more.
Sales of Additional Fun Money Vouchers
The easiest way to take extra money is to allow guests to make purchases at each gaming table. However, this can slow the table gameplay down as the croupier attends to the transaction so one persons convenience might frustrate many other players at that table game. If the night is very popular and tables busy it would be better to make guests leave the table and go to a separate cash desk and they might not want future inconvenience and buy more so if you have plenty of volunteers it would be better to have a separate cashiers desk where everyone goes to buy more. It’s also easier to keep an eye on money exchanges maybe the charity treasurer’s responsibility.
Fun Money and Minimum Bet Values
We have found 100 valued fun money vouchers are the most popular when combined with a minimum bet value on roulette (or dice tables) of 5 and for any card tables like blackjack a minimum bet of 10. All our DIY hire packs have been created for these minimum bets. If you find your tables are overrun with frustrated people waiting to play and not much time left you should double the minimum bets to bust playing players more quickly. If you have multiple card tables you can have different minimum bets through the night according to demand but this is not advisable for multiple roulette tables. With one roulette table increasing the minimum bet is possible but bear in mind how to deal with players holding blank chips as if time is pressing you might just have to let them have a small bonus.
How Many Fun Casino Games To Offer
Estimating the actual number of gamblers at your event is probably the most difficult thing to predict. Once things get going you can expect about 20 people around each table but only half gambling whilst the other half watch or wait to play. Depending on the attendance, type and length of event not everyone will want to gamble or hopefully not all at the same time, especially if there are other distractions like a bar, food then you can increase the ratio of guests for each table.
Overcrowded Fun Casino Plan
If too many people arrive then the easiest thing to do is allow card tables that have 7 positions to squeeze an extra player on each end so you get 9 players at a time. If the situation is serious try to have some extra Texas Hold'em tables ready, it’s now such a popular game, that a plain cloth (if possible) on a table with chairs and a pack of cards could help satisfy a lot of your frustrated guests. Without a specific dealer several problems can occur with these extra Texas tables so try to have a volunteer dealer ready to manage these tables. If you are surprised to find you have so many Texas Hold em players you should try to organise a specific Texas Hold em tournament on a different night.