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Poker Hire Services
 | Price: £75.00 Weight: 17.1kg Stock: 1000+
| HPP050
|  | Price: £1.00 Weight: 250g Stock: 1000000+
| HPP101
|  | Price: £250.00 Weight: 1g Stock: 1000000+
| HPP001
| Charity Poker Tournaments
This event is ideal for your charity or club fundraising needs as it can become a great annual social night that often creates moments that will be endlessly talked about. With so many people knowing how to play Texas HoldEm these days we provide here some poker tips from over 10 years of organising such events at home, pub or social members club. If your club only has a few knowledgeable Poker players try and ask them to volunteer to teach others the game in a early learn to play Texas Hold Em session or have a separate learn to play event adding more socialising to your fun poker evening.
Players pay a fee to enter the charity poker competition and at the start they are all given a set amount of chips we usually issue 1000 in value for this explanation. This is called the ‘starting stack’ and we will refer to it again later. This and many details here can be varied but first we will explain a simple version recommended for fundraising poker tournament beginners.
To maximise your fundraising receipts it is best to have a 2 stage poker tournament. During the first stage that lasts one to two hours there is a ‘rebuy’ period so that when any players are busted out and lose all their chips they can rebuy another set of 1000 valued chips (the same value as the starting stack). Note you can also use this period to allow late arrivals to join the poker tournament but you should make them pay the charity a small penalty for arriving and joining late. Also you must remind everyone 10 or so minutes before the end that stage 1 end is imminent as this usually makes some people play more aggressively, losing chips more readily to try and give themselves a boost for the more important stage 2, hopefully upping your take!
Before starting stage 2 give everyone a short comfort break and serve any refreshments included in your entry fee. Usually at the start of this break you can offer all remaining poker players a ‘top up’ whereby everyone has the option to buy more chips at the same value of the starting stack. For charity events it is not uncommon to offer 2 or 3 starting stacks to boost your charity earnings but try and set this maximum quantity before the tournament begins. Once all the top ups are complete the tournament restarts in it’s ‘freeze out’ mode. Now play continues usually for 2 or 3 more hours but no one is allowed to buy more chips.